How Many Eggs In A Hat ? |
I am wondering what those who come here think of what they have found. Do you like? What should I add? LET ME KNOW ok? [View My Guestbook] [Sign My Guestbook] |
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Well congratulations!
Click here if you prefer noses to eyes.
Colorado pics are here! After an incredibly huge hassle reinstalling the scanner I threw a little 1-person scanning party and scanned all the pictures from the roll. The only ones I posted so far are the Colorado pics which can be found here.
Sick of Times New Roman?
Here's my old guest book from GeoCities, in case you're interested...
Where am I? How did I get here? How do I get out????? Here is a satellite image of (part of) Philadelphia, the wonderful garbage dump where I live...
If you had been here from April 21st to 24th or therabouts, you may have noticed that my site was hosted by By the way, the aforementioned Ninnies have been so dyfuntional an ISP that I have decided to drop them and go on free ISPs since some of them I have found to actually be MORE RELIABLE than NNI (aka NiNI aka Ninny) who are going to jack me up to their standard $20 a month bullshit rate next payment period IF I DECIDE to actually go for it. Unfortunatey (for them) I have become aware of various free internet service providers which are more reliable than the ninnies' lame servers in Bethlehem. ehem.
Yep. I smell Lynxes up there! Click the lynx for Links to places I like... weather.com took down their North Pole Weather?!?! Try BARROW, ALASKA for your NP weather fix.
What ever happened to Tillymonster? Once in a while I STILL get a hit from losers.org. A couple of weeks ago, I visited their site, and lo and behold, they re-found the Tillymonster! I emailed her but she has not replied.
archu watch:
...ah....ah.....ahh.... Once upon a time I was at a friend's house where I had the priveledge of dumping the litter box in the trash. I went to open the trash bag and all these BIG fuggin maggots came crawling out at me! Hmmm. Maggots! Life goes on... snails (above)
Good Night, and Good Luck!
Click here to send me some EEEEEEEEE mail!
Um... hi! You are very near the bottom of the page!
Somehow or another you've managed to find my
perfectly pointless website!!
Welcome back to
Bnib's Proto Page!
Click here to unframe thyself... and lose those all-seeing eyeballs up there.
All those big
EYES up top
each lead to a different area of the site. If you don't see 'em, click right here.
Some people seem to be here looking for info on Centralia. You can click on the red eye up there in the middle or else click here to see my Centrailia pages.
Click here for more fonts...
I noticed that the guestbook linked to from here was actually the wooden thomas guestbook. To eliminate confusion I went ahead and started up a brand new guestbook So SIGN IT as I am wondering what all the people who come here think of what they found. Do you like? Do I suck moose dick? What should I add? LET ME KNOW ok?
[View My Guestbook]
[Sign My Guestbook]
I heard the guestbook isn't always working! If you can't sign it, email me
The Bastards!!!
Now I am being hosted by Dreamhost, which so far seems to be much faster than surflinx were. Check out their
Hey kids!!! Look! A place that has all kinds of REALLY GREAT BEER! Monk's Cafe.
A few really weird things people think are sexy these days...
BONUS: Click Here to see Sue Snib's page.
Click Here to read the story of the Teeny Tiny Tinny Robots.
Click Here to see the all nude Wooden Thomas site!!!Good morning! The sun is up. I must sleep.
Well I can't say what if anything happened to 'myssie' but archu as in the .com is back. The design is redone a bit but where are all the good old mpgs of people getting killed and women acting like whores at raves? Hey! The sex videos, good old and some brand spanking new, are back, and the gothsluts and raversluts have at least been recently re-added... Last time I checked there was some mpg of a kid in a funny hat smashing a live bird with a hammer! oooo TOUGH! Personally, I would rather see a human getting fucked up by a bird. There are penguins in Australia that have been known to kick human ass when one comes too close to their nest. Now if that the mpeg was of that kid getting beaten down by some 6' tall PENGUIN - THAT would be funny!
What's the weather like where the Bnib is?
You can see the weather here at the US National Weather Service, or you can go to my favorite, The Weather Channel, instead.
sniff oh scuze me... I'm kind of allergic to snails....
I was posting dreams on my site for a while. I only put three of them up, and one of somebody else's. If you would like YOUR dream posted, email me at this address and we'll see what we can do. And to read my dreams, including my crazy flu-induced dream, click here.
To read the Special Guest dream, click HERE.
Compulsive Cut and paste HTML Collection!
Click! Click! Click!
Fun! Fun! Fun!
I decided to move the link to the USA listings of Medical Research Testing Centers back down here, for undisclosed reasons. If you ever imagined it possible to get PAID TO DO DRUGS, rest assured your imaginings have a basis in reality. Just click on the extra wide Bnib below...
YAYYYYYY!!!!!! Right here right now:The International listings!
There really ARE eyes on this page after all!
Click on one.
Unless of course you would prefer to pick
a nose!