Welcome To Ye Olde NosePage |
I am wondering what all the people who come here think of what they have found. Do you like? What should I add? LET ME KNOW ok? [View My Guestbook] [Sign My Guestbook] |
Hey all you nosepickers out there in cyber-land!
You have obviously wandered into the utterly pointless
Nose Page!
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Here's my old guest book from GeoCities, in case you're interested...
Where am I? How did I get here? How do I get out????? Here is a satellite image of (part of) Philadelphia, the wonderful garbage dump where I live...
Yay! I registered a domain name a rather long time ago... at this site.
Hey kids! REALLY GREAT BEER! Monk's Cafe.
Click here if you are offended by the noses.
Click here if you think eyes are better than noses.
Can't see any NOSES over there?
you really can't see 'em? Then click here.
No more North Pole weather? hmmm. BARROW, ALASKA is close enough, in'it?
Click here for more fonts...
Some really strange things people think are sexy these days...
A rather shorter time ago, I moved it to the servers of my new host, since for some reason they insist on chraging extra for a redirect to another server.
What's the weather like where the Bnib is? The National Weather Service's current conditions for Philadelphia. Weather.com's current conditions for Philadelphia. Yep. I smell Lynxes up there! Click the lynx for Links to places I like... |
Good morning! The sun is up. I must sleep.
Here's something kind of interesting. It's a list of sites that (to my knowledge) currently link me: |
snails????? You know they say if you sneeze with your eyes open they'll pop right out of your head Once upon a time I was at a friend's house where I had the priveledge of dumping the litter box in the trash. I went to open the trash bag and all these BIG fuggin maggots came crawling out at me! Hmmm. Maggots! Life goes on... snails (above) |
I was posting dreams on my site for a while. I only put three of them up, and one of somebody else's. If you would like YOUR dream posted, email me at this address and we'll see what we can do. And to read my dreams, including my crazy flu-induced dream, click here.
To read the Special Guest dream, click HERE.
Compulsive Cut and Paste HTML page! Click it! Click it! Fun! Fun! Fun! |
I decided to move the link to the USA listings of Medical Research Testing Centers back down here for undisclosed reasons. If you want to get paid to do drugs, or if you just want to know about it, just click on the extra wide Bnib below and there you go!
No, your eyes do not deceive you. There are a lot of NOSES here: