Newly improved!
Now you can acquire each font as a .zip file or a .ttf for even easier installation (just stick it straight in your \windows\fonts directory). Check the green column for fonts that might look like they're printed in
Times New Roman
and choose your poison from the purple column, zip or ttf.
*you are getting sleeepy* a .zip file will appear and you will download it and then you will open it with WinZip or another .zip utility of your choice into your windows\fonts directory...
Simply download the file into your windows\fonts directory. What could be easier, bub?
Of course these are the instructions for Windows. My apologies to those of you who are using another OS, but you probably know how to install fonts on your machine, right?
Here are all the fonts I can remember offhand using on my site, ready for you to download individually. If you see anyvile TNR in that slightly green box down there, just click on one of the links next to the offending text and the font you need will come directly to you in the form of a .zip file. or a .ttf file.
Do it; my site will look much better if you do.
Click here to return to the 'main' page.