Once on board, a Film Festival commenced. About a dozen movies were shown. I don't recall any that weren't enjoyable, although I did fail to keep paying attention after a while. I had brought along 6 large bottles of Belgian beer to share and I was busy sharing. And drinking. There were voting sheets passed around the bus at some point. I thought that was the end of the movies and voted already on what I had already seen. This was about when I stopped paying attention. But they showed more. Most were movies of past TW fests. One seemed like I wasn't missing much from the bits I glanced at. But what do I know, since really, I missed it.


It started to RAIN while we were on the bus. Unfortunately, it did not let up before we arrived at the Dead Battery farm. Still, I was happy to arrive, and set about getting my tent set up A.S.A.P. As soon as that was all taken care of, I needed to figure out where the pre-party was. It turned out, in part, to be in the basement, where there was a bar all set up and rarin' to go.

***back to the diner***contents***onward to the bar***