I noticed that your page: http://www.twilightheadquarters.com/proto.html contained a link to: http://users.surflinx.com/.

The page at http://users.surflinx.com/ cannot currently be accessed because of the following error: Time Out.

We last examined your page on 12-05-2001. If your page has not been updated since 12-05-2001, your link is most likely currently broken. No one likes broken links on their website so we thought you’d like to be the first to know.

We’re Internetseer.com, the worlds largest FREE website monitoring service. One recent subscriber wrote the following; “You did an awesome job identifying to me that our site went down and tracking it until it came back up again”.

Our service is supported by advertisers and subscribers who purchase additional services, but our basic service is FREE.

Activating a free website monitoring account could not be easier. Click here for auto sign-up.

We’ll monitor your site once every hour, 24 hours a day, seven days a week for free. You can even have multiple people notified when we detect an error. In addition, you’ll receive a website performance report every week showing uptime percentages, average connect times, helpful links to others sites and of course promotions from our advertisers. You can cancel your free subscription at any time.

This message is not spam because we are not trying to sell you a service. We are simply advising you that a link on your website is currently broken due to the error listed above.

If you would like to subscribe to our free website monitoring service, please click here.

If you do not wish to receive any further email messages from us, please click this link http://scclick.internetseer.com/sitecheck/cancel.jsp?6vyX76vIVP5vxUSSLLQ5e4PQV6uDyW_wPMwx5d6vNN.e3, or reply to this message with the word "cancel" in the subject line.

We sincerely hope that you’ll become one of InternetSeer’s 850,000 plus satisfied subscribers.

Adam Brett
Web Site Analyst
InternetSeer.com "Free Website Monitoring"