Oh there's something here now!
After the big dot com crunch I thought these guys were the only game left on town. Creepily, maybe they are....
Then I discovered K-Mart LIVES! but then I further discovered that they now charge just under $10 a month (so they're not really 'free' - uh oh) !
There have to be others left! There used to be a few which were hosted by www.millioneyes.com which now serves up 'page not found' etc. I thought Freei.net still existed but noooo they redirect to NetZero! NetZero is a good thing to have around but they are very obnoxious with the ads. You know ALLLL about this if you're on via them. Maybe that's how they survived. btw You can get around their fully obnoxious full screen ad by hitting Alt+F4 (In Windows anyway) at the right time. Anyway, as I further research this problem (not too important to me right now as I now use verizon DSL which is a whole OTHER world of shit) I will post what I uncover here.
Chased by an aardvark thru a rushing green meadow.. whoops sorry - that's a whole other story - Click here.