Quite a while after hearing about it from Wooden Thomas, Bill Bniblet, your host, finally made his way to the Mermaid Parade on Coney Island. It took Melissa (a space mermaid, who will be pictured momentarily) to convince B. Bnib he really should go. Melissa was there. Everyone else who was supposed to go bagged. What else can you expect from a bunch of people? hmm?
People started snapping pictures soon after I turned myself green and put on my nets. Usually I don't like being photographed, but this time they had an excuse so no problem. I walked right into the performers area with no trouble since I looked like I belonged there. I snapped some pics of my own (which were lost aaaargh) and pretty soon who should be already there but Melissa who gave me a big blue kiss and 6 or 7 strings of mardi gras like beads which went very well with the rest of the getup!
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